I use lab-based experiments to study how particles move in turbulent fluids. My postdoc research, with Michelle DiBenedetto at the University of Washington, focuses on the vertical mixing of microplastic particles in wind-driven waves and turbulence in the ocean surface boundary layer. I received my PhD from the University of Minnesota, where I worked with Filippo Coletti at the Laboratories for Turbulent and Complex Flows and the St. Anthony Falls Lab to explore fluid-particle interactions in turbulence. In my free time, I enjoy dancing and creative writing.
Fluid-particle interactions in turbulence

Microplastic particles at the ocean surface

Plastic particles in the SAFL Outdoor StreamLab

Particle-wall interactions

Inertial disk and rod particles in a turbulent boundary layer

Dense suspensions of large particles in a turbulent boundary layer

Coherent clusters of particles homogeneous isotropic turbulence
Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2017)
Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2019)
Code repositories
please reach out at ljbaker36 at gmail dot com.